of day, of night: analysed in article on hypertext fiction

of day, of night is analysed at length in Hans K. Rustad’s online essay, “A Four-Sided Model for Hypertext Fiction”, in Hyperrhiz.06 Special issue, Visionary Landscapes, Spring 2009. Stumbled upon it it by chance. It’s very gratifying to find people engaging so thoughtfully with hypertext and electronic literature, and with my own work. The full essay is available here:- http://www.hyperrhiz.net/hyperrhiz06/19-essays/80-a-four-sided-model

“In Of day, of night Heyward takes advantage of technological affordances, including hypertext technology, in a manner which does not conflict with or go at the expense of important aspects in the reading process, such as genre recognition and the experience of coherence….The narrative fiction genre is extended and adapted to new media, because Of day, of night shows how narrative fiction might be in digital media, and how the genre narrative fiction can utilise digital technological affordances without risking the loss of narrative qualities

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