HERD article published on building Indigenous cultural competencies using digital media

Well it has been a long time coming, but finally the article I wrote with Natalie Krikowa discussing the work we did to build digital media students understanding of Indigenous cultural competencies has been published by HERD. The term ‘Indigenous cultural competencies’ is a Universities Australia terms term concerning the need for universities to ensure that all students understand how to engage and communicate respectfully with Indigenous people, communities and organisations. The article outlines the process we undertook, in which we leveraged student engagement with mobile phone apps and content through case studies of Indigenous mobile apps, embedding the application of Indigenous cultural principles and protocols such as Respect, Agency, Attribution, Consultation and Consent, within the digital environment.

This was a really rewarding project developed in liaison with Indigenous colleagues which was also recognised by UTS with a University Learning and Teaching Award in 2019. The need to continue to build Indigenous cultural competencies in all students and across all disciplines remains. Link to the article below, and a quick summary via the pics.


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